Thursday, April 19, 2012

Western/ Lunar Calender----plover

Hi Everyone,

There has been some discussion of late ( and some confusion) on the differences between the Gregorian ( Western) Calender and the Lunar Calender. Many Events , Festivals are mentioned in Lunar terms.

This table clears it all up quite easily.It applies to 2009 only, changes yearly.

Along the top ( in yellow) are the dates ( 1st--31st) in yellow, and downwards on the left in yellow, the months ( january--December). This is our western calender.

Marked within the table ( in grey) is the start date of each lunar month ( ie the first lunar month, (TET)fell on the 26th January.( Western)

I think this table allows you to convert any Lunar Event date to Western dates very easily!

Hope this is some help!


P.S. ---I have this on file favourites ro stop me from going nuts!

Western/ Lunar Calender----plover

SORRY, I forgot to copy and paste the TABLE!!!!


Western/ Lunar Calender----plover

Back Again,

And this is the '; Master Table ( 1901--2100)----just click on the year( Western) and up comes the conversion table for that year!

This should help in Holiday planning in the future when events ( like the Hoi An Lantern Festival) occur on the 14th day of the Lunar month.

Asians ages are different ( as are births, marriages and death dates) when related to the Lunar Calender.


Thank you plover, you are so helpful as usual!!

Hello ntdan,

Off topic I know, but I have not seen you for a while!

'; HAPPY VALENTINES DAY '; to you!!!-----I hope you receive some flowers and a nice dinner somewhere!

Take Care


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