Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Is there a pre-pack Pho broth product one can buy so that you can make your Pho soup at home without resorting to an overnight boiling of the beef and other condiments that are added to make the Pho soup?

I would be interested to buy one if such exists.


You can buy the powder with Pho flavour in a sachet at any Asian Grocery, and add this powder into your beef or chicken broth to make a Pho soup. It tastes not bad but still prefer the fresh cooked ones.


Unfortunately we have no idea what country your from, however here in Oz you can buy packet mix or Pho stock cubes. Add whatever to the base to make it to your liking.

It is acceptable, but nothing like sitting down on a little stool sipping away with the locals :)

Pics and stories here...

Happy %26amp; safe travels

Here%26#39;s a website for Pho lovers;


The pre -pack pho powder is heavily laden with mono sodium glutamate.

Nothing beat the home made pho soup from beef + others with few hour of boiling.


I buy Pho cubes in Vietnam and make instant Pho at home sometimes.

I boil the water in 3 minutes with 1 cube, enough for 2 bowls. I add pork chop, sugar and stir it well and add spring onion (green leaves) and white onion before serving.

A good cook always has chicken and beef stocks in their freezer. Pho is not only the broth, but shaved raw beef, rice noodles and the wonderful Vietnamese veggies to top it off. I refuse to eat Pho without my fresh lime and Sriracha.

Have you guys tried the wonderful Bun Bo Hue? For you Americans and visitors to the Pacific NW, we have wonderful Vietnamese lunch places here in Portland, Oregon.

I did and love it, but I feel the Bun Bo Hue in HCMC is better than in Hue.

This is how I cook Pho at home, buy the ox tail at any grocery store, have them cut it into small pieces, wash it, then put it in the presure cooker with 4 bowls of water, one onion, a bag of Pho Hoa ingredient buy it at any Asian store very cheap then cook it for 30 min. turn off the heat, then you can put salt, fish sauce, sugar or MSG however you want it. That is it, very simple and ox tail base tastes really good with noodle.


I feel the pressure cooker does not give good taste than a regular cooker with the lid on.

There is a packet of Pho spices you can buy at good Asian supermarkets here in Australia( I go to Footscray) called Pho Hoa Pasteur.

It is a red and white box, about 10cm x 5cm x 5cm, that contains two submersible draw string bags, filled with the Pho flavours( no msg, all natural).

Cover about 1.5kg of beef bones in cold water, a 1/2 cup of vinegar, and about 2 table spoons of salt for 3 hours.

Drain, and then add bones to 5-6 litres of water, add a Pho draw string bag of spices, and simmer for 5 hours.

Add salt to taste, immerse a serving of fresh Pho noodles( available from Asian supermarkets) for 30 seconds in the stock to heat, place in bowl, add thin slices of lean beef, chopped spring onion, and cover with HOT stock.

Add been sprouts, onion slices, Hoi Sin Sauce, and chopped chilli to taste.


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